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Social media management made easy!


By: Roszario Foster

False Evidence Appearing Real - that is the acronym for fear. Why? Because things that we fear (10 times out of 10) are hindering notions we have originated in our minds. We allow the “what ifs” or “maybes” to overtake our thoughts. But did you know that fear is a tool of the enemy?

Fear prevents us from walking out our faith. Fear prevents us from believing what God says about us. Fear makes us envision the worst possible outcome. Fear will have us acknowledging defeat before we even fight. But God did not give us the spirit of fear! He gave us power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

We can live a life of freedom, we just have to make a conscious decision that we will not live in fear. We are told more than 300 times in the Bible to not fear/not be afraid; we have that message for every day that we live. God wants us to live by faith in Him, knowing that we can do all things through Him by the power that is within us (Philippians 4:13, Ephesians 3:20).

What is the power in you? Is fear running things in your life or is it the power of the Holy Spirit? Take back control of your life by trusting in God’s word and believing that He knows the plans for your life and it is not for evil but hope and well-being (Jeremiah 29:11). Choose today how you will live; in fear or faith.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, I want to say thank You for never leaving nor forsaking me. Thank You for Your assurance of your presence. Lord, I come to you in need of a fearless spirit. Help me to release my fears, anxieties, and burdens to you, for you said that your yoke is light. I ask when I am starting to fear, remind me that you have plans for my welfare and not for evil and that I should not be afraid because you are with me wherever I go. I pray that you equip me like never before so that I may get stronger and more courageous in You. Thank you for calming my spirit and providing me with a resting place in you.

In Jesus Christ's mighty and matchless name I pray, Amen.



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