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Updated: Sep 5, 2020

By: Carol R. Butler

Let me be clear, the Anointed One has set us free—not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past.  Galatians 5:1 TPT  It's because of Jesus Christ that we can totally be free from our past... free from every bondage. We as believers say this all the time, but do we truly believe it? Last night, as I was talking with my husband about the various people who have hurt me knowingly and unknowingly, he was able to connect the dots. I took the bait of offense on almost every occasion, and it began to pile up over time. I began to view my life through the lens of offense, hurt, betrayal, etc. I had allowed myself to become a "justified victim".  What I have learned is that when you have a victim mentality, you cannot truly walk in the freedom that Jesus died for. You are too busy justifying why you don't like people, why you don't trust others, and your guard is up to the point where you can never be vulnerable. Sometimes you think you are being vulnerable, but you're not really. You are only sharing to the point where you have done no wrong. If this sounds like you, I'm here to let you know that there is true Freedom in Christ when you let go of the offenses. Picture you trying to worship Jesus with your fists closed because you are holding on to offenses. How can you throw up your hands in total surrender when you will not let go of the hurts and pains that are in your fists? If you believe that Jesus Christ is God and is your Savior, then believe that you can give him your cares and concerns. Read 1 Peter 5:6-7. Application: Do a self-examination over the course of your life, from childhood to now. Write down the offenses that you picked up along the way. Ask God to forgive you for taking those offenses, and ask Him to take those burdens and cares away. When those thoughts try to come back, take them captive and speak what God's Word says about it.  Prayer: God, I ask you to forgive me for every offense that I held onto. Take away the victim mindset, the desire to retaliate, and the need for justification from others. Help me to truly forgive those who have hurt me, like you forgive me for every sin I have done. Fill every void in my life with your presence. I receive the Freedom that your son, Jesus, died for. Continue to help me choose forgiveness now and in the future. In Jesus' name, amen.


About Carol:

Carol R. Butler is a wife, mom, writer and coach passionate about helping women understand their God given identity and walk in their purpose. With a passion for Jesus, seeing marriages thrive, and healthy living, Carol uses her testimonies and the Word of God to see women prosper in every area of their lives and become closer to Christ. You can connect with Carol, by visiting her website. Also, follow Carol on Facebook and Instagram.

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