By LaToya NaShae

It’s so cold outside, and this bed’s too big for me to be alone. Pause. Chile, listen; I love the Lord… I also love the soulful sounds of Anthony David. As the morning air finds its chill and leaves begin to fall, the lyrics of “Booed Up” stir in my heart. But wait. I am a single saint trusting the Lord to send my Boaz. Oh, you too?!?! Ladies, never mind “hot girl summer”; the true test of purity is the onset of Cuffing Season.
“Don’t entertain company when you really need covering.”
Sarah Jakes Roberts
That part. Rather than desiring a man with whom we can snuggle in the covers, let us turn our desire toward authentic covering. The ones called to love us as Christ loves the Church would not call us to compromise. As unpopular of a concept that it may be, there is a level of intimacy reserved exclusively for marriage. Culture would have us pleasin’, turnin’ around, and teasin’. Meanwhile, Paul reminds us to be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:1). As daughters of God, we must remain mindful that we are His temple and the place where His Spirit dwells. While attempting to walk in light, Cuffing Season entices us to creep in the dark.
When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. But when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul.
Proverbs 13:12, TPT
God’s timing will forever be worth the wait. It’s tempting to insert an eye roll there, I know. Hear me out. The Lord knows what we need when we need it, no matter how thoroughly persuaded we are that our season of singleness has exceeded its expiration. Perhaps, like me, you have waited ever-so-patiently for the man of your dreams, but your patience is now wearing thin. Be of good cheer, Sis. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. (Habakkuk 2:3, TLB). The will of God is comprised of His way, His order, and His timing. The right thing in the wrong season can prove detrimental. Cuffing Season is a distraction to derail you from the path of guiltless pleasure.
“God provides rules to protect our memories.”
Dr. Myles Munroe
The truth is that sin is pleasurable for a season. Otherwise, temptation wouldn’t be an issue. In case there has been some misunderstanding, allow me to clarify: I have been patient but not perfect. Thank God for forgiveness; now I need some forgetfulness. A few memories need to be cast away, never to be remembered. You see, memories lead to comparison, and comparison threatens intimacy. God has no intention of withholding goodness from us, so He inserts purity as a parameter for protecting our pleasure. The expectation to abstain from sex until marriage is not punishment. The Lord is lookin’ out for our future love lives!
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11, NKJV
If you have a promise regarding marriage, hold fast to that promise. If God said it, He meant it. That settles it. There is a good chance we have all have entertained Mr. Wrong hoping that sincere love and affection would transform him into Mr. Right. Deep down it was known that he would never be more than Mr. Right Now. No matter how real the struggle gets, God’s promises remain true. Company cannot fulfill the role of covering. Pillow talk and sharing love between the sheets should be an exclusive experience for Mr. Forever. Allow Cuffing Season to come and go without yielding to the temptation of becoming booed up aka unevenly yoked.
About LaToya:

LaToya NaShae's passion and purpose are equipping others to live like they know WHOSE they are. She is an author, speaker, and life coach who walks alongside others on their journey to a life of purpose. Her aim is to encourage you to live an unstuck, unbound, unbreakable life in Christ!