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Updated: Oct 5, 2020

By: Janice Rock

As I studied the women of the bible on the front-line, I came across amazing stories that illustrated women's leadership, wisdom, and strength. Throughout history, many famous women have been recognized for pioneering faith and their impact in the marketplace. However, this has not always been the case. For years, the role of women in the church, business, and Corporate America has been forgotten. Regardless of our recognition, God still entrusts and chooses women to fight major battles. How many times in life, have we found ourselves on the front-line of battles and wonder, "How did I get here?" If you are a prayer warrior or an intercessor, you know how it feels to be on the front-line of spiritual warfare and contend with the enemy at the gates of your life. James 5:16 in the Amplified Bible says, Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God, it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. How many of us have experienced a drought or have colleagues that are going through a dry season? Would you stand on the front-line and pray for God to rain on your seed that has been planted in the earth? Isaiah 55:10 states, As the rain and the snow, come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater. Ask God to REIGN in your situation and RAIN on your circumstances. Front-line prayers produce long-lasting fruit.

In Judges 4, Jael, Heber's wife, operated in great strength, and boldness to change the outcome of a war between Barak and Sisera. She used a strategic approach, took a tent stake and a hammer, and drove it through the head of Sisera as he slept. Here is a woman who was on the front-line and changed the course of life for the Israelites. Her one-act of bravery set a Nation free. If you are ever in a place where you don't feel significant or think your role as a woman is not important, let me remind you who you are and how your gifts and talents are needed to fulfill God's plan in the earth. If you are an entrepreneur or a business owner, you are a leader and God has given you the gift of leadership and administration. As a mother, wife, or sister, God has given you the gift to bring forth life, multi-task, and love unconditionally. If you are an artist, dancer, or designer, God has given you the gift of vision, creativity, and imagination. If you are a public speaker, teacher, or trainer, God has given you the gift to change the lives of others by the words you speak. Women of God, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your worth is far more than rubies. God has called you for such a time is this to influence nations. God created us to crush the head of the serpent and have dominion in the earth. What is your front-line assignment? Press pass your fears; you have been built to stand on the front-line and win. Don't avoid front-line obstacles; embrace where God is calling you. You are designed for it.


About Janice:

Janice Rock is a teacher and the owner of Bridge Consulting Firm. Ms. Rock is a graduate of Webster University, where she received her Master's Degree in Education and Innovation. She is a Certified Entrepreneurship Teacher through YES Carolina Youth Entrepreneurship Program. As a consultant, Ms. Rock provides services and is an advocate for the disabled, veterans and their families. One of her major goals is to finalize a business project, Bridge Literacy and Fine Arts Center, a non-profit 501(c)(3)- afterschool program that will promote literacy for disadvantaged learners through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). Ms. Rock is a blogger and writes inspirational articles on a variety of topics. One of Ms. Rock's favorite scriptures is: "She is clothed in Strength and Dignity and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25

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