By: Vernica Williams
Spring is here! It is an exciting season to check in with your needs and core values. What does Spring mean to you? Does it mean catching up with friends? Does it mean decluttering your space and mental space? Maybe during this season, you desire to let go and embrace. Whatever motivates you to “Spring Forth,” do it.
What will your voice say in this season? What has God been nudging you to do that you have ignored or allowed fear to hinder you? There are definitions that typically describe the season of Spring. Here are a few, “to rise, leap, move” and “an object being released from a constrained position." Spring is a great time to reflect on moving from the old to the new as well as what the definition states, "released from a constrained position.”
Daughter, I do not know about you, but there are things in my life that I will say absolutely need to be released. Here is what the bible says:
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19 {NIV}
I want to encourage you that whatever your plans are this new season, pray and ask God for wisdom and knowledge to tackle what He wants you to do. Ask Him to show and remind you of what He has already instructed you to do, but because of limited beliefs you are feeling constrained in your mind, body, and spirit. When I need to spring forth, I often try to use the same strategies I used in the last season, but when I do, God always takes me back to this scripture: “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins if he does the wine will burst the skins and the wine is destroyed. And so are the skins but the new wine is for fresh wineskins Mark 2:22 {ASV}
Every day I have the opportunity to continue on the journey to reclaim my voice and seek God for more understanding and direction regarding my identity. I pray that you also spring forth this year knowing God is with you, faith is in you, and you are worth it!
About The Author:
Vernica Williams, MSW is the founder of ReClaiming Your Voice, a life coaching practice from a therapeutic and Biblical perspective and ministry that offers written, audio and video messages of encouragement through the word of God. Vernica specializes in core values development, issues rooted in rejection, people pleasing and emotional abuse.
She is the author of “Prayerful Affirmations: 21 Biblical Affirmations to Bring You Closer to God and Increase Your Faith, and the host and producer of the RYV Podcast and YouTube channel.
Vernica uses her history of trauma to point women to Jesus and to let them know no matter the pain life will bring; you too can reclaim your voice in God. To contact Vernica you can email her at and learn more about RYV at