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Pain: Working For Your Good

In life, you may go through some pain. Oftentimes it can be difficult to understand how pain is working for your good. Sometimes it’s extremely difficult to see the good, feel the good, or know how good is going to manifest itself. Be encouraged and don't be fearful. In those times, you may be asking where God is, and does He care? Yes my friend, God knows and He cares. God is transcendent, but cares about His creation. He is imminent

as He is masterfully orchestrating the affairs of your life. But He is also Omniscience knowing fully how you feel. Trust God and know that He loves you deeply. He cares about how all of the pieces of life’s puzzle will fit together for your good, and His glory. How is pain apart of the journey towards your purpose? God allows pain in your life to prepare you for your purpose. Be encouraged and know that good comes out of the ashes of your brokenness. God’s love transcends as you’re going through your trial, and it reaches to the core of your pain. It pulls you up and sets you on another level. It's making you stronger and powerful than before. Why the pain?  It’s working for your good! Don't trust your feelings, but stand on your faith. The Bible reads in Romans 8:28, “We know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans” (TLB). Be encouraged my Sister, I know its been dark and painful awaiting a new season. Your season is getting ready to shift. A new day is on the horizon. Wake up, get up, and cheer up! You’re getting ready to step into your purpose. You are ready, because He has worked all things out for your good.


About the Author:

Melissa Walker-Johnson is the President and Founder of W.O.W. Ministries, LLC. A ministry created to inspire the world through the teaching, preaching, and literary works; books, poems, and curriculums. She is a Preacher, Professor, and a Prolific Writer. Her work is multi facet as her gifts and talents are specifically centered in inspiring and influencing the world to worship over worry. It’s a choice!


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