By: Pastor Natalie Young

Every day we may find ourselves quickly making decisions without any consideration of the possible outcomes. We may not even take a pause to inquire of the Lord. The need to take pause breaks will help us to remain at peace and invite God into our lives and situations.
We are living in times of constant change and uncertainty. Some have not known what it means to have their own place while others have had to adjust to the financial pressures of maintaining what they already have. There are some who have dealt with a recent medical diagnosis and/or some who are taking care of those with diseases. Wherever you find yourself today, how are you doing in your relationship with our Heavenly Father? This question is important to endure what life may bring.
The stresses and cares of life are constant and do not wait for us. What God wants to teach us is to draw close and stay close to Him every day but especially in times of trouble. So, the
important question remains, “Are you taking pause breaks with God?” Do you find yourself
taking everything to the Lord in prayer or only when you think about it?
Taking pause breaks will cause us to: “Think before doing.” Why? When you consider your
thoughts and your ways, you recognize what may come as a result of the decisions you are
making. When you do not, you may see later that you could have had a better outcome had you paused and taken time to pray. In other words, just talk to God first. Let’s remember we are to:
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33)
The importance of pause breaks becomes a reminder to take a moment to pray in your
words and actions. Perhaps you are about to go into a meeting or make a major
decision, but have you taken some time to pause and pray? You might be someone who
considers prayer as an afterthought. Pause breaks teach you to maintain a sensitivity to
the Lord throughout your daily activities. It causes you to remember the Lord and not
think about Him only when you need Him.
Relationship with God on a personal level begins the day you have repented of sins and
welcomed Jesus into your life. To maintain a closeness to Him you must take pause
breaks daily. Pause breaks lead you closer to God as you go to Him in prayer and
reading the Bible.
Perhaps this is the time to draw close to God once again. Maybe you have lost that
sensitivity you once had to Him. There may be days you don’t make time for the pause
breaks. You have felt alone, forgotten, insecure, doubtful and have went your own way.
Please, I strongly encourage you to return to the Lord. Take a pause break even right
now, right where you are. Allow our Heavenly Father to touch you, heal you and fill you
up with His promised Holy Spirit.
Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck. There is always another way.
Keep pressing on and find it.
About the Author:

Pastor Natalie has been in ministry for over 20 years with the love of her life, her husband,
Pastor Chris. They both stepped out by faith as God lead Pastor Natalie and her husband to start
their own ministry, Resplendency. Pastor Natalie loves getting to encourage people to walk in
their God-given destiny. In addition, writing on her blog, for over six
years about everyday moments. Some of her blogs will include Biblical encouragement to walk
out your Christian faith in everyday life. She welcomes the opportunity to collaborate in writing and speaking engagements.
Connect with Pastor Natalie on the following platforms:
A break is certainly needed to regain the energy needed to continue the work for God's kingdom. A moment to pause. Thank you for this blog post.🙏🏽